罗选民 系别:英文系 职称:讲座教授,君武学者 博士生导师 任职:伟德国际1946bv官网经理 最高学位:博士 研究方向:翻译学、比较文学、英汉对比研究、话语分析、 异文化传播研究 联系方式:luoxm@tsinghua.edu.cn |
香港岭南大学翻译系,哲学博士 (Outstanding,2006)
1981.7-1990.7 衡阳师范学院外语系,助教、讲师(1987.6)
1990.7-1999.12 长沙铁道学院(现中南大学)伟德国际1946bv官网讲师、副教授(1991.11,破格),教授(1993.5,破格)先后任科研秘书、副系主任/副经理(1993)、经理(1997.5-2000.8)湖南省高校职称评审委员会委员、外语学科组评审组长(1994-2000)湖南省学位委员会委员、文学、历史学科组组长(1999)
1999.12- 2015 清华大学外文系首批二级教授(2008.1),博导,首批人文社科杰出人才(2011)清华大学教授提名委员会委员、人文学院学术委员会委员,翻译与跨学科研究中心主任
2015-2019 广东外语外贸大学,云山领军学者,教授,博导,博士后合作导师
2018.9 — 伟德国际1946bv官网君武学者、伟德国际1946bv官网经理,博导
2002-2006 南开大学兼职教授,博导
2009-2014 华东师范大学兼职教授,博导
1、终身享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家(1993.10- )
1995.2-1996.3 美国耶鲁大学比较文学系访问研究员
2001.2-2001.8 美国耶鲁大学比较文学系访问研究员
2006.9-2007.8 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校富布莱特研究学者
2008.8-2010.7 英国伦敦政治经济学院孔子学院中方经理
2010.7-8 英国剑桥大学人文艺术研究中心暑期研究院士(Summer Research Fellow)
2011.8-9 日本立命馆大学海外杰出讲座教授(博士课程)
2016.1-2018.12 澳大利亚墨尔本大学亚洲学者讲座教授(Asia Scholar Professor)
1) Translation Studies: An Interdisciplinary Approach(ed.),Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2007
2) Translating China (co-eds.1/2),Bristol/Buffalo/Toronto: Multilingual Matters Ltd, UK,2009
3) Essays on Translation and Chinese Pedagogy (co-eds)(4 Volumes),New York:The Edwin Mellon Press, USA, 2014
11)《结构 解构 建构:翻译理论研究》(主编),上海:上海外语教育出版社,2009
4)《现代语境中的上帝观念》(卡斯培著),上海:华东师范大学出版社, 2008
5)《牛仔弗雷迪》(沃尔特·布鲁克斯著),南宁:接力出版社, 2004
6)《最后的人质》(约翰·南斯著),南京:译林出版社, 2000
4)《英美社会与文化》(上\下册)(主编),武汉:华中理工大学出版社, 1997
1) A Textual Approach to the Analysis of Literary Translation,in The Proceedings of ICLA, Vol.6, The Force of Vision, Tokyo: Tokyo University Press, 1994,pp.205-212
2) Psychoanalysis and Narratology: an Interview with Professor Peter Brooks, Tamkang Review,1996, ( TKR 26.4) ,pp127-134
3) Literary Translation and Comparative Literature and: an interview with Professor Andre Lefevere,Tamkan Review,1996, (TKR 27.1), pp103-109
4) Linguistic Contribution to Translation Studies in China, META,Vol.44, mars 1999.pp.101-109
5) Elegance: a Post-colonial Mark in Chinese Translation, Perspectives: Studies in Translatology ,Volume 10:3 (2002),pp.207-214.
6) A Textual-cognitive Model and the Text Construction in Translation,
Perspectives, Studies in Translatology,Vol.1,2003,pp.73-79
7) Words and Images in Literature and Art, Tamkang Review , Vol. XXXIII Nos 3-4,2003,pp.313-320
8) Translation Theory and Practice in China, Perspectives, Studies in Translatology ,Vol.1,2004, pp.20-31
9) Ideology and Translation, Perspectives:Studies in Translatology, Vol.3, 2005, pp.178-187
10) Translation as Violence: On Lu Xun’s Idea of Yijie, Journal of Amerasia, 33:3, 2007,pp.41-51
11) Translation as Education, Interpreting and Translation Studies, Vol.2, 2009, pp245-256
12) Peels for Salt, Journal of Amerasia,Vol.37, Number 1,2011
13) Cultural Mediation: On Chang Eileen’s Translation of Jinsuo Ji, Journal of Amerasia,38:2, 2012. Pp122-135
14) On Unit of Transfer in Translation, in Dancer and the Dance: Papers in Translation Studies, edited by Laurence KP Wong and Chan Sin-wai, Cambridge & Scholars Publishing, UK, 2013
15) Cultural Memory and big translation, Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies,Issue 1, Vol.4, 2017
16) Response by Hou and Luo to “Translation and materialites of communication”, Translation Studies, Nov 4.2018, pp87-92
17) Editorial: Artificial intelligence and the crisis of translation, Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies,Issue 1,Vol.5, 2018
18) A Socio-historical Interpretation of Translation of Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales in China, BABLE, Issue 2, 2019
19) 话语层翻译标准初探,《中国翻译》1990第2期,2-8
20) 论翻译的转换单位,《外语教学与研究》1992第4期,34-40
21) 荒诞的理性与理性的荒诞:评托尼.莫里森小说"心爱的"的批判意识,《外国文学评论》,1993第1期,60-65
22) 文学批评与文化:彼得.布鲁克斯教授访谈录,《中国比较文学》1996第1期,101-111
23) 文学艺术中的词和意象,《中国比较文学》,1996第4期,106-112
24) 多元文化语境中的文学翻译:现状与前景,《中国比较文学》1997第1期,91-104
25) 文学翻译与导读,《中国翻译》1997第1期,8-11
26) 超越批评之批评(上),《中国比较文学》1997第3期,97-106
27) 西方翻译研究综述,《中国翻译》1997年第4期,35-40
28) 超越批评之批评(下),《中国比较文学》1998年第1期,105-117
29) 97香港翻译教学研讨会综述,《中国翻译》1998第2期,8-12
30) 对Matrix英汉翻译系统的分析与建议,《中国科技翻译》1999第4期,17-21
31) 文学翻译中的含混与消解,《中国翻译》1999第5期,9-13
32) 大学英语专业阅读阶段教材教法研究,《外语界》2001年第2期,36-42
33) 谈翻译单位的研究及其存在的问题,《外语研究》2001第2期,68-70
34) 互动与创新:语言教学的核心,《外语教学》2002年第1期,87-91
35) 解构“信达雅”,翻译理论后起的生命,《清华大学学报》2002(外国语言文学专辑),90-93
36) 评《英汉翻译例句辞典》,《外语教学与研究》2003年第2期,157-158
37) 话语认知模式与翻译文本的建构,《外语与外语教学》2002年第7期,11-14
38) 中国的翻译教学:问题与前景,《中国翻译》2002第4期,207-214
39) 新世纪翻译观念的嬗变与理论研究,《中国翻译》2003年第3期,45-47
40) 视角:翻译的窗口,《中国翻译》2003年第6期,38-40
41) 关联与翻译,《外语与外语教学》(2/2), 2004第1期,40-42
42) 论文化/语言层面的异化/归化翻译,《外语学刊》2004年第1期,102-106
43) 互动:语篇存在的方式,《外语教学》2005年第5期,90-93
44) 语料库与翻译研究,《外语与外语教学》2005年第12期
45) 意识形态与文学翻译,《清华大学学报》(哲社版)2006年第1期,42-48
46) 关于公示语翻译的几点思考,《中国翻译》2006年第4期,66-69
47) 语义“匹配”与翻译教学,《外语教学与研究》2007年第5期,386-391
48) 大学翻译教学测试改革与翻译能力培养,《外语教学》2008年第1期,76-82
49) 文化传播与翻译研究,《中国外语》2008年第4期,91-94(人大报刊资料复印全文转载)
50) 余光中与翻译,《中国翻译》2008年第5期
51) 本族语者和非本族语者英语会话中的话语标记语》述评,《外语教学与研究》2008年第5期
52) 被忘却的美国之梦,《中国图书评论》2008年第11期,
53) 大学口译教学与口译能力的培养,《外语界》2008年第5期,75-83
54) 谈我国翻译理论研究的几个基本问题,《中国外语》, 2009第6期,1,101-105。
55) 大学英语翻译教学教材编写探讨,《外语与外语教学》,2009年第11期,63-64
56) 衍译:诗歌翻译的涅磐,《外语教学理论与实践》,2012年第2期,60-67
57) 关于翻译与中国现代性的思考,《中国外语》,2012年第2期
58) 耶鲁解构主义互文研究及其对翻译的启示,《外国文学研究》,2012年第5期
59) 文化自觉与典籍英译,《外语与外语教学》,2012年第5期,63-66
60) 我译,故我在 -- 海姆的文学翻译与研究,《中国翻译》,2013年第1期
61) 作为教育行为的翻译:早期清华案例研究,《清华大学教育研究》,2013年第5期,150-157
62) 互文性与商务广告翻译,《外语教学》,2014年第2期,
63) 文化记忆与翻译研究,《中国外语》,2014年第2期
64) 从“硬译”到“易解”:鲁迅的翻译与中国现代性,《中国翻译》,2015年第5期,PP32-37
65) 作为教育行为的翻译:赵元任《阿丽思漫游奇境记》个案研究,《现代大学教育》,2016年第4期,PP10-16
66) 影响与焦虑:谈莎剧、《安东尼与克莉奥佩特拉的悲剧》,《外语教学》,2016年第6期,PP73-76
67) 《外语教学与研究》与我的办刊情缘,《外语教学与研究》,2017年第5期,PP
68) 文化自觉与公示语翻译,《外语电化教学》,2019年第4期,PP3-11
研究项目 (部级以上,主持)
1、中国英汉语比较研究会会长(国家一级学会,2014-, )
5、英国劳特里奇出版社(Routledge)英文期刊Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies主编(2014- )
6、Perspectives: Studies in Translatology (A&HCI源刊)国际编委 (2001- )
7、加拿大翻译学会会刊TTR 国际顾问(1999— )
1. "A Textual Approach to the Analysis of Literary Translation", 13th Congress of ICLA, Tokyo, Japan, 23-28 August, 1991
2. “A Dream of Red Mansions and The Story of the Stone: Intertextuality through translation analysis”, 14th Congress of ICLA, University of Edmonton, Canada, 15-20 August, 1994
3. "Translation and its problems in contemporary China", Invited Public Lecture, Loyola University, Chicago, USA, 29 Sept,1995
4. "Linguistics in China: theory and practice", invited public speech, Queens College, CUNY, USA, 15 Nov., 1995
5. "Formalism or functionalism? The reception of western linguistics in China", Yale University, USA, 8 Feb., 1996
6. "A recorded material listening model: How does it really work? " TESOL '96, Chicago, USA, March 29,1996
7. "A cognitive-textual approach to the teaching of Advanced English in China", Invited Speech, The 5th international Conference on FLT at Taiwan, National Taiwan Normal University, Taibei, 29 Nov.,1996
8. “Elegance: a colonial mark of translation in the acceptance of western civilization in China," 15th Congress of ICLA, Leiden University, Netherlands, August, 1997
9. "Reflections on some translation books and translation studies in China," Invited speech, Symposium on Teaching Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Dec.2, 1997
10. "A textual mode for translation analysis", Keynote speech, International Seminar on Translation/Interpretation: Macao, May, 1999
11. "On the influence of Intertextuality on context creation in translation", The 16th Congress of ICLA, Pretoria, The Republic of South Africa, August 2000
12. “Intertextuality and translation”, invited lecture at Lingnan University, HK. Feb. 2001
13. "A textual probe into the unit of translation", The Annual Conference of Canadian Association of Translation Studies, Quebec, May 27, 2001
14. “Cultural reflections on the translation of Biblical works”, Trinity University, Deerfield, Chicago, USA, June 2001
15. “The study of discourse and its application in translation in China”, invited speech, Monterey Institute of International Studies, USA, 2 Sept., 2001
16. “The Teaching of Translation in China: Problems and Perspectives”, plenary speaker at FIT: The Third Asian Translators Forum, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University, Dec.2, 2001
17.“The Textual-Cognitive Model and the Textual Construction in Translation”, keynote speech at the Congress of Taiwan Translation Studies Association, April 13, 2003
18.“Foreignization or Alienation: Translation Strategies in China and the West”, invited Speech, the Workshop: Translations and Translation Theory: East and West. SOAS & UCL, UK. June 18-20, 2003
19.“Translation: Liang Qichao’s Strategy in Literary Communication”, invited speaker for the workshop: Literature and Cultural Communication, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan, Nov. 7-12, 2003
20. “Familiarized: To be or not to be?” Invited speaker for the workshop: Familiarization and Disfamiliarization: Studies on Translation. University of Tokyo, Japan. Dec. 11-13, 2003
21. “Translation: Imitation and Difference” Plenary speaker, the 2nd Tsinghua-Lingnan Symposium on Translation Studies, Hong Kong, June 3-5, 2004
22. First Meeting, the Project of Social Science Translation, Sponsored by American Council of Learned Societies, Moscow, Russia, July 2-5, 2004
23. “Ideology: On Liang Qi-chao’s translation Practice”, the Conference on Translation and the Construction of Identity, Seoul, Korea, August 12-14, 2004
24.Second Meeting, the Project of Social Science Translation, Sponsored by American Council of Learned Societies, Yale Club of New York, New York, Oct. 21-25, 2004
25. “ Modernity Through Ideological Translation”, FIT 2005 World Congress, Tempera, Finland, August 4- 7, 2005
26.“Translation: Alienation or Assimilation?” invited Speech, Conference on “Translation in New Horizon of Theoretical Studies”, CUHK, Hong Kong, Jan.15-20, 2006
27.2nd IATIS Conference, “Translation as Education”, Western University of South Africa, August 2006
28.“Translation as Cultural Memories: Lu Xun’s Views on Translation in the Context of China and West”, invited Speaker for the Conference on “China and the Other: Cultural Mediations Between China and the West in the Modern Era”, Paris: Institute National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Dec. 7-8, 2006
29.“Translation as Cultural Memory: Lu Xun’s View on Translation”, Invited talk at Bunch Hall 1038, chaired by Professor Michael Heim, UCLA, Jan.18, 2007
30.“Translation, Power and Canon: Lu Xun’s View of Feng Zi”, Invited speech at Heter Hall, chaired by Professor Edwin Gentzler, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, March 1, 2007
31.“Translation in Global Context”. Invited speech (an Opening Speech for the University’s Global Citizenship Week of 2007.) at Morris University Center, South Illinois University Edwardsville, March 12, 2007
32.“Translation and Chinese Modern Literature”, Invited speech at Lewis and Clark College, Portland, April 23, 2007
33.“The Challenge of Literary Translation”, Invited speech at Portland State University, April 23, 2007
34.“Translation as Violence: On Lu Xun’s View of Yi Jie”, Invited speech at Henry R. Luce Hall, Chaired by Professor Haun Saussy, Yale University, April 25, 2007
35.“Clause as Transfer Unit in Translation”, Speech in 1st International Conference in LSP and Translation Studies-Oriented Textual Analysis, also acting as Panel Chair, Chouaib Doukkali University, El Jadida, Morocco, May 27-29, 2008
36.“Trans-Pacific Translation Journal: A Proposal”, Presentation at XVIII World Congress of FIT, Shanghai, August 4-7, 2008
37.“The Goal and Function of Translation in a Culture Turn”, Invited speech at Chengchi University, Taiwan, Sept. 19, 2008
38. “Translation as Education: Tsinghua’s Practice”, keynote speech, International Conference on Translation Studies, Cross Cultural Communication and Chinese Pedagogy, Portland State University, USA, Oct. 24-25, 2008
39.“Clause as Transfer Unit in Textual Translation Between EC/CE”, Invited Speaker, International Conference on Translation Studies and Translation Between Chinese and English, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Dec. 11-13, 2008
40. “Lu Xun’s Hard Translation and its Acceptance in the West”, in Centre for Translation Studies of the Dept. of Linguistics, SOAS, London University, UK, Jan. 27, 2009
41. “China’s Higher Education since 1978”, The Forum of 30 Years of China’s Reform, chaired by Sir David Howards, Director of London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), UK, Feb. 27, 2009
42.“Obama in China: Audacity of Translation”, Invited Public Lecture at the Dept. of English and Comparative Studies, Chaired by Professor Karen Obrien, University of Warwick, UK, June 3, 2009
43 .“Translation and Modernity: Case Studies on Lu Xun” (together with the lecture “Variations of Culture and Politics: Some Reconsiderations on the Cultural Movement in the May Fourth Period Professor” by Professor Wang Hui, former Editor of Du Shu ), Forum of Chinese Studies: A Cultural Perspective, LSE, UK, July 27, 2009
44. “Translation as Education: Case Study of Tsinghua University”, Invited Speech for Conference “New Horizon in Translation Studies”, in Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of Institute of Interpretation and Translation, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, Sept. 24, 2009
45.“Grammar translation method in teaching primary Chinese”, Keynote speech, Nordic Symposium on Chinese Language Teaching and Research, University of Helsinki, Finland, June 18, 2010.
46.“Cultural Awareness and the Translation of Chinese Classics” Keynote speech for the 1st Asian-Pacific Forum on Translation and Intercultural Studies, Hangzhou, Dec.18-20, 2011
47.“Adaptation of Shakespeare’s Hamlet in Chinese Context”, International Conference on Translation and Cross-Cultural Communication, at The University of Queensland. Australia, Dec.1-2, 2011
48.“Modernity and Translation in Chinese Case”, Distinguished Professorship Lecture at University of Exeter, UK, Oct.8, 2012
49. “Translation as Cultural Input in Early 20th Century China”, Invited Lecture at University of Durham, UK, Oct. 16, 2012.
50.“Reconsider Grammar Translation Method in Teaching Basic Mandarin Abroad” , Keynote Speech, The 2nd Asian-Pacific Forum on Translation and Intercultural Studies, Confucius Institute, Portland State University, Nov. 2, 2012
51.“On Translation of Chinese Classics in Modern Context”, (Public lecture for (USA and China) Directors of Confucius Institutes in the South of American) Emory University, USA, Nov.5, 2012
52.“Cultural Awareness and Translation Evaluation” , Invited Lecture at Mansfield Center, University of Montana, Nov. 7, 2012
53.“Translators as Authors in Constructing a Nation’s Literature: Case Studies in the Late 19th and the Early 20th Century China”, International Conference of Fiction2: Beyond Transfiction: Translators and (Their) Authors, Tel Aviv University, Israel, 2013 May 7-8
54.“Cultural Memories and Translation Studies” , Keynote Speech, The 3rd Forum on Translation and Intercultural Studies, University of Melbourne, Australia,16-18 Oct. 2014
55.“Translation as Educational Performance in National Construction”, Keynote speech, International Conference of Language, Culture, Multiculturalism, Multilingual Education, University of the Philippines, Philippines, 20-23 Nov. 2014
56.“Intralingual Translation and the Construction of Modern Chinese Vernacular”, Keynote speech, International Conference on Intralingual Translation, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey. 27-28 Nov. 2014
55.“Thoughts on Translation and the Transmission of Chinese Culture”, Keynote Speech, The Annual Conference on Chinese Language Teaching and Education, Oxford University, UK, 21-23 July, 2015
56.“Cultural Awareness and the Transmission of Chinese Culture”, Keynote Speech, the 13th International Conference on Teaching and Learning Chinese in Higher Education, Oxford University,UK, 8-10 July, 2015.
57. “Translation as educational practice in early Tsinghua, International Conference of Translation Education in a New Age”, keynote speech, Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzheng Campus), April 15-17,2016
58. “Lu Xun’s Translation as National cultural Memory”, Keynote Speech,International Conference on Trends in Translation Studies, Granada University, Spain, October,13-15,2016
59. A Report on Translation and intercultural Studies in Asia and Pacific Region, The 6th Asia Pacific Forum on Translation and Intercultural Studies,(Concluding Report),University of California at Berkeley, Oct.24-26 2017
60. “The Translation of Andersen’s Works and His Intertextual World in China”, keynote speech, International Conference of Hans Christian Andersen and Community,(keynote speech) SDU, Odense, 4-7 Dec., 2017
61. “Intralingual Translation and the Construction of Chinese Modern Vernacular”, Keynote Speech, The International Conference of Normativity and Resilience in Translation and Culture, University of Humanities and Social Science, Warsaw, Poland, 27-29 May, 2019
62. “Gramma Translation Method in the Teaching of Business Chinese Translation”, Keynote Speech, International Conference of Business Chinese Teaching and Translation, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece, 29-31 2019
63.“APFTIS in Progress”,working report on the 8th Asia Pacific Forum on Translation and Intercultural Studies, Puthumwan Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, 13-15 Dec., 2019