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1991—1992    密歇根大学博士后研究员

1984—1991    美国印第安纳大学博士

1983—1984    美国印第安纳大学硕士

1973—1976    香港大学(荣誉)学士


2020            伟德国际1946bv官网  君武特聘教授

2006-2020   香港岭南大学: 翻译教授

2017—         比利时鲁汶大学翻译研究中心: 讲座教授

1993—2005 香港岭南大学: 讲师/高级讲师/副教授

1993春        美国马里兰大学历史系: 教授级讲师

1992秋        美国乔治城大学历史系:讲师

1991—1992 美国密歇根大学: 博士后研究员

1989—1991 美国印第安纳大学: 副讲师

1987—1989 香港城市理工学院语言系:讲师

1982—1983 香港教育局:助理督学(英文科)





A.          Books

1.Free Translation, Adaptation and Imitation: Three Perspectives on Sino-Foreign Transtextual Rewriting. New York: Bloomsbury, 2020 (in press) [USA]

2.Translation, Rewriting, and Reader Reception (in Chinese). Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2020 (in press).[PRC]

3.Translation in the Post-Babelian Era: Global English and the Theoretical Turn. Taipei: Bookman Publishers (in press) [TaiwanChina]

4.Confluences: Translation Research in Chinese and Asian Contexts (co-edited with Ching-chih Liu). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Translation Society, 2011. 324 pages.

5.Transformations: New Translation Research in China蛻變中的中國翻譯研究 (in Chinese; co-edited with Ching-chih Liu). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Translation Society, 2011. 326 pages.

6.Readers, Reading and Reception of Translated Prose Fiction in Chinese: Novel Encounters. Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing Co., 2010. 250 pages. [United Kingdom: Leading publisher in Translation Studies]

7.Globalization and Cultural Identity/ Translation (associate editor; Chief Editors: Terence Russell, Chen Peng-hsiang). Taipei: ELT Publishing Co., 2010. 256 pages.

8.Twentieth-Century Chinese Translation Theory: Modes, Issues and Debates. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Co., 2004. 4 chapters and 38 translations (some by collaborators). Series: Benjamins Translation Library, Vol.51. 275 + xv pages. [Netherlands: Leading European publisher in Linguistics and Translation]

9.One into Many: Translation and the Dissemination of Classical Chinese Literature (edited). Amsterdam/Atlanta: Editions Rodopi, 2002. Series: Approaches to Translation Studies, Vol.18. 370 pages. [Netherlands]

10.Readings in Western Translation Theory 西方翻譯理論精選 (in Chinese; co-edited with Nam-fung Chang). City University of Hong Kong Press, 2000. 287 + xiii pages.

11.The Discourse on Foxes and Ghosts: Ji Yun and Eighteenth-Century Literati Storytelling. University of Hawaii Press, 1998. 351+xx pages. [USA: Leading American university press]

B. Journal Articles

1.“The Dialect(ic)s of Control and Resistance: Intralingual Translation in Chinese TV Drama,” International Journal of the Sociology of Language 251 (2018): 89-109. [USA]

2.Imitation as Translation: From Western Theories of Parody to Japanese Postmodern Pastiches,” Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice 25.2 (2017): 214-226. [Denmark]

3.“Beyond Non-translation and ‘Self-translation’: English as Lingua Academica in China,” Translation and Interpreting Studies 11.2 (2016): 152-176. [USA]

4.“English Language Teaching from the Perspective of Translation” 從翻譯的角度看英語教學, The Way of Language 語言之道 (2016): 51-53 (in Chinese). [Taiwan,China]

5.“Japanization and the Chinese ‘Madman’: Triangulating Takeuchi Yoshimi’s Philosophy of Translation,” Translation Studies 9.1 (2016): 1-16. [United Kingdom]

6.Post-Communicative Pedagogies: Revisiting the Translation Method of Teaching English in East Asia,” Translation and Interpreting: The International Journal for Translation and Interpreting Research 7.2 (2015): 75-90. See: trans-int.org [Australia]

7.“Janus-faced Hana yori dango: Transnational Adaptations in East Asia and the Globalization Thesis,” Asian Cultural Studies 40 (2014): 61-77.[Japan]

8.“Under the Shadow of Three Lingua Francae: Repositioning Translation in East Asia,” Journal of Asia-Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies 1.1 (2013): 12-27. [PRC]

9.“An Empirical Study of the Perceived Benefits of Final-year Translation Projects to Undergraduate Translation Students,” Forum: A New Interpretation and Translation Journal 11.2 (2013): 19-41 (co-authored with Christy F.M. Liu). [Korea/France]

10.“Hidden Translation as Academic Practice: Translating Xiaoshuo (Small Talk) and American Sinology,” Korea Journal of Chinese Language and Literature 3 (2013): 303-330.[Korea]  

11.A Survey of the ‘New’ Discipline of Adaptation Studies: Between Translation and Interculturalism,” Perspectives: Studies in Translatology (2012): 1-8. [Denmark]

12.“Reading the Global: The Reader-Consumer and the Murakami Translation Phenomenon,” Translation Quarterly 53-54 (2009): 1-46.

13.“Reader Reception and Critical Context: Facets of a Descriptive History of Twentieth-Century British Novels in Chinese Translation,” MonTI: Monographs in Translation and Interpreting (accepted but declined). [Spain] 

14.“At the Borders of Translation: Traditional and Modern(ist) Adaptations, East and West,” META: Translators’ Journal 54.3 (2009):387-400. [Canada]

15.History, Thought, and Translation (II): ‘The Deep Sediments of Past Translations,’” Translation Quarterly 45 (2007):53-75.

16.“Lily Briscoe’s ‘Chinese Eyes’: The Reading of Difference in Translated Fiction,” Quaderns: revista de traduccio 15 (2008): 197-209 [Spain].

17.“Lily Briscoe’s ‘Chinese Eyes’: The Reading of Difference in Translated Fiction,” Reprint: Translation Studies in the New Millennium: An International Journal of Translation and Interpreting 5 (2007):17-30. [Turkey]

18.History, Thought, and Translation (I): Against a Tradition of Sinological Translations.” Translation Quarterly 43 (2007): 65-88.

19.“Translated Fiction,” Perspectives: Studies in Translatology 14.1 (2006): 66-72. [Denmark]

20.The Poetics of Recontextualization: Intertextuality in a Chinese Adaptive Translation of The Picture of Dorian Gray,” Comparative Literature Studies 41.4 (2004):464-481. [USA]

21.First Imitate, Then Translate: Histories of the Introduction of Stream-of-Consciousness Fiction to China,” META: Translators’ Journal (Special Issue on “History of Translation and Translation of History) 49.3 (2004): 681-691.[Canada]

22.“Cultural Rewriting and Translation: First Attempts at Imitating Ulysses in China, 1960-63,” Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series (Special Issue on “Translation as Creation: The Postcolonial Influence”) 2 (2003): 247-266. [Belgium]

23.“An Annotated Bibliography of Chinese Translations of Twentieth-Century Modernist Poetry” 二十世紀英美現代派詩作中譯本經眼錄, Studies of Interpretation and Translation 翻譯學研究集刊no.7 (2002): 161-271 (in Chinese). [Taiwan] [111 pages]   

24.“Translating Bilinguality: Theorizing Translation in the Post-Babelian Era,” The Translator: Studies in Intercultural Communication 8.1 (2002): 49-72. [United Kingdom]

25.“What’s ‘Modern’ in Chinese Translation Theory? Lu Xun and the Debates on Literalism and Foreignization in the May Fourth Period,” TTR: Traduction, Terminologie, Redaction 14.2 (2001): 195-223. (Special Issue on “Antoine Berman for Our Time”). [Canada]

26.“Cultural Hybridity and the Translated Text: Re-reading D.H. Lawrence in Chinese,” Across Languages and Cultures 2.1 (2001): 73-85. [Hungary]

27.“Living Authors in Another Tongue: French Translations of Contemporary Chinese Fiction in the Nineties,” The Hong Kong Linguist nos. 19-20 (1999): 67-72.

28.“An Annotated Bibliography of Chinese Translations of Twentieth-Century Drama in English (II)” 二十世紀英語劇作中譯本經眼錄(二), Journal of Translation Studies 翻譯學報 (CUHK) no.2 (1998): 47-70 (in Chinese).

29.“Translating into Japanese and the Cassette-Effect in Translation,” Translation Quarterly 9 & 10 (1998): 131-138 (in Chinese; co-translated from Japanese).

30“Pedantic Scholars and Their Rotten Principles: The Attack on Neo-Confucian Morality in Eighteenth-Century Biji Literature,” Chinese Culture 39.2 (1998): 117-128. [Taiwan,China]

31.The Hung-men Feast,” Asian Culture Quarterly 26.1 (1998): 39-55 (co-translated with Melissa Richardson).

32.Does the Narrator Get Translated into Chinese? The Literary-Critical Approach to Translation Criticism,” Babel: An International Journal of Translation 44.1 (1998): 46-64. [Belgium]

33.“An Annotated Bibliography of Chinese Translations of Twentieth-Century Drama in English (I)” 二十世紀英語劇作中譯本經眼錄(一), Journal of Translation Studies 翻譯學報 (CUHK) no.1 (1997): 63-82 (in Chinese).

34.“Familiar at the Center, Strange at the Periphery: A Study of the Shenyi jing (Classic of the Divine and Anomalous), as Compared with the Medieval European ‘Wonder Books,’” Comparative Literature and Culture no.2 (1997): 23-45.

35.“An Annotated Bibliography of Chinese Translations of Twentieth-Century British Novels” 二十世紀英國長篇小說中譯本經眼錄, Translation Quarterly 翻譯季刊3 & 4 (1997): 90-175 (in Chinese). [86 pages]

36.The Hung-men Feast,” Asian Culture Quarterly 25.4 (1997): 75-87 (co-translated with Melissa Richardson). [Taiwan,China]

37.“Text and Talk: The Classical Chinese Tale and the Context of Casual Oral Storytelling,” Asian Folklore Studies 56.1(1997): 33-63. [Japan]

38.“In Dalliance with Ghosts: Humor and the Fantastic in Luo Pin’s Ghost Amusement Scroll,” The Journal of Oriental Studies 34.1 (1996): 34-49.

39.“Chinese Animal Fables of the Eighteenth Century: Translations from Shen Qifeng’s Words of Humor from an Ancient Bell,” Asian Culture Quarterly 23.1 (1995): 29-36. [Taiwan,China]

40.Narrative as Argument: The Yuewei caotang biji and the Late Eighteenth-Century Elite Discourse on the Supernatural,” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 53.1 (1993): 25-62. [USA]

41.“Random Jottings from the Cottage of Close Scrutiny: Excerpts,” Renditions (Fall 1993): 95-102.

42.“Subjugating Spirits: Translations from Yuan Mei’s What the Master Would Not Speak of,” Asian Culture Quarterly 19.4 (1992): 40-47. [Taiwan,China]

43.“Techniques of Persuasion: Proselytism and Pure Land Buddhism in the Sung,” Chinese Culture 32.3 (1991): 21-36. [Taiwan,China]

44.“Religion and Structure in the Ching-hua yuan (Flowers in the Mirror),” Tamkang Review 20.1 (1989): 45-66. [Taiwan,China]  


C. Book Chapters

1.Contemporary Scene of Translation in China,” in A World Atlas of Translation, edited by Yves Gambier and Ubaldo Stecconi (Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2019), pp.81-103. 

2.Imitation as Translation: From Western Theories of Parody to Japanese Postmodern Pastiches,” Contemporary Approaches to Translation Theory and Practice, edited by Roberto A. Valdeon (New York: Routledge, 2018), pp.34-46.

3.A Survey of the ‘New’ Discipline of Adaptation Studies: Between Translation and Interculturalism,” in Chinese Translation Studies in the 21st Century: Current Trends and Emerging Perspectives, edited by Roberto A.Valdeón (New York and London: Routledge, 2017), pp.11-18.

4.“Transgenderism in Japanese Manga as Radical Translation: The Journey to the West Goes to Japan,” in Queering Translation, Translating the Queer: Theory, Practice, Activism, edited by Brian Baer and Klaus Kaindl (New York: Routledge, 2017), pp.96-111.

5.“More, or Less, English? Educational Language Use in the Universities,” in Epoch Making in English Language Teaching and Learning, edited by Andy Leung (Taibei: Crane Publishing Co., 2016), pp.385-394.

6.“Reader Response and Reception Theory,” in Researching Translation and Interpreting, edited by Brian Baer and Claudia Angelelli (London and New York: Routledge, 2015), pp. 146-154.

7.“Translating Chinese Philosophy: Reflections on the Sinological Tradition and the Question of Terms,” in Confluences: Translation Research in Chinese and Asian Contexts (Hong Kong: Hong Kong Translation Society, 2011), pp.178-192.

8.“The Medium of Instruction Controversy: Bilingual Education and the University in Hong Kong,” in Proceedings from the 2008 ASAIHL International Conference on Borderless Education (Bangkok: Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, 2009), pp.169-174.

9.“Global, Regional, Local? The Murakami Phenomenon and Reader Reaction to Translated Fiction,” in Proceedings of the Globalization and Cultural Identity/Translation International Conference (Chiaohsi: Foguang University, 2008), pp.1-23.

10.“Developing Translation Programs at the Undergraduate Level: The Specialist and Generalist Approaches,” in Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Symposium on English Teaching, edited by Dai Wei-yang et.al. (Taibei: Crane Publishing Co., 2004), pp.16-23.

11.“How Translation Travels, and What It Means to the Translation Theorist,” in Selected Papers from the International Conference on Chinese Studies (10-12 Dec. 1997), edited by Wong Siu-kit et.al. (Hong Kong: Department of Chinese—HKU, 2002), pp.138-153.

12.“The First Translation of a Chinese Text into a Western Language: The 1592 Spanish Translation of Precious Mirror for Enlightening the Mind,” translated for One into Many: Translation and the Dissemination of Classical Chinese Literature. Amsterdam/Atlanta: Editions Rodopi, 2002, pp. 67-82.

13.“Bilingual Magazines in Three Chinese-Speaking Communities and Their Uses for Foreign Language and Translation Teaching,” in Selected Papers from the Eleventh International Symposium on English Teaching/Fourth Pan Asian Conference, edited by Johanna Katchen et.al. (Taibei: Crane Publishing Co., 2002), pp.43-53.

14.“Translation Studies in Hong Kong-China and the Impact of ‘New Translation Theories,’” in Translation in Hong Kong: Past, Present and Future, edited by Chan Sin-wai (Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2001), pp.157-174.

15.“‘Colonization,’ Resistance, and the Uses of Postcolonial Theories for Translation in Twentieth-Century China,” in Changing the Terms: Translating in the Postcolonial Era, edited by Paul St. Pierre and Sherry Simon (Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2000), pp.53-70.

16.“Translation and the Foreign Language Program—Whither Are We Going?,” in Selected Papers from the Ninth Symposium in English Teaching, edited by Huang Tzyh-lai et.al. (Taibei: Crane Publishing Co., 2000), pp.8-16.

17.“Liberal Versions: Late Qing Approaches to Translating Aesop’s Fables,” in Translation and Creation: Readings of Western Literature in Early Modern China, 1840-1918, edited by David Pollard (Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1998), pp. 57-79.

18.The Impressionistic Approach to Translation Theorizing; or, Twentieth-Century Chinese Ideas of Translation through the Western Looking-Glass,in Translation as Intercultural Communication: Selected Papers from the EST-Congress, Prague 1995, edited by Mary Snell-Hornby, Zuzana Jettmarová, and Klaus Kaindl (Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1997), pp. 57-66.

19.Europeanizations Reconsidered: The Deconstructionist Turn in Chinese Translation Theory,” in Translation and Meaning, Volume 4, edited by Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk and Marcel Thelen (Maastricht: Rijkshogeschool, 1996), pp.13-18.

20.“Teaching Mandarin Listening Comprehension: The Case of Hong Kong Learners,” in Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Taibei: Student Bookstore, 1991 (in Chinese; co-authored).


D. Reviews/Interviews/Essays/Translated Works

1.“Reading the Global: The Reader-Consumer and the Murakami Translation Phenomenon” 閱讀全球:作為消費者的讀者與“村上春樹翻譯現象”《亞太跨學科翻譯研究 》7 (2019) (translated by Song Ge) [PRC].

2.“Two New Readerships in the Twenty-First Century: The Reception of Harry Potter in in Chinese Translation” 21世紀初兩個新型讀者群:《哈利波特》中譯本的接受, translated by Song Ge and Ma Ru, in《譯苑新譚》no. 10 (2018): 2-8. [PRC]

3.“Reading Theories and the ‘Real’ Reader: On the Reception of Chinese Translated Fiction in the 1980s” 閱讀理論與“真實”的讀者:淺論80年代中譯小說的接受, translated by Song Ge and Ma Ru, in Translation Horizons翻譯界5 (2018): 4-13. [PRC]

4.“Untranslatability and the Commodification of a Classic: Reasons for the Popularity of Two Ulysses Translations” 一部抗譯的經典及其商品化:論《尤利西斯》中譯本“暢銷”的原因, translated by Song Ge and Ma Ru, in Foreign Language and Literature外國語文33.6 (2017): 98-102. [PRC]

5.“Under the Shadow of Three Lingua Francae: Repositioning Translation in East Asia在三門通用語的陰影下:翻譯在東亞的重新定位, translated by Fan Ruoen范若恩 and Gao Yixuan高屹璇, in Translogopoiea: A Fudan Journal of Translation Studies 1 (2017): 99-121. [PRC]

6.“Translation Teaching and Research: An Interview with Professor Leo T.H. Chan” (翻譯教學與研究論述:陳德鴻教授專訪錄) (interviewed by Hsu Chu-ching 徐菊清). Translation Horizons翻譯界 no.4 (2017):128-142.

7.“Two Translators, One Text: A Conversation between David Pollard and Leo Chan.” Hong Kong Translation Society Bulletin, no. 52 (2016).

8.“The Many Faces of Translation: An Interview with Leo Tak-hung Chan” (翻譯面面觀:陳德鴻教授訪談錄) (interviewed by Shan Te-hsing). Compilation and Translation Review 8.2 (2015): 175-200.

9.語境重構的詩學:《道連葛雷的畫像》之中文譯寫的互文性” (The Poetics of Recontextualization: Intertextuality in a Chinese Adaptive Translation of The Picture of Dorian Gray). In《比較詩學讀本》, translated by Su Yucun宿玉村 and edited by Yang Naiqiao楊乃喬 (Beijing: Shoudu shifan daxue chubanshe, 2014), pp. 336-348.

10.“Asian-centrism and the Japanese Translation of China.” Translation Quarterly 67 (2013): 99-104.

11.“A Germanist as Translator: A Conversation with Nigel Reeves.” Bulletin of the Hong Kong Translation Society 48 (2009):8-9.

12.Les Belles Infidèles: Adaptations and/as Translations in Late Nineteenth-Century Japan.” Translation Quarterly 46 (2007): 85-91.

13.“Of Renewed Interest: The Early History of Translated Fiction in China.” Translation Quarterly 42 (2006): 99-105.

14.“Lessons from the Great Modernist ‘Translators.’” Translation Quarterly 38 (2005):104-111.

15.“Where Translation Studies, Literary Studies and Anthropology Meet.” Translation Quarterly 36 (2005): 90-98.

16.“Arthur Waley and the Translation Studies Approach.” Translation Quarterly 31 (2004):87-92.

17.“Retiring for the Second Time: An Interview with Professor Liu Ching-chih.” Bulletin of the Hong Kong Translation Society 44 (2004):10-14.

18.“Comparative Literature, or Translation Studies?” Translation Quarterly 15 (2000): 75-80.

19.Review of Translation and Creation: Readings of Western Literature in Early Modern China. Babel: An International Journal of Translation 45.2 (1999): 188-192.

20.“Translation as a Trope.” Translation Quarterly 5 & 6 (1997): 201-204.

Review of The Singer of Tales in Performance. Asian Folklore Studies 55.2 (1996): 350-351.


E.          Special Issues

1.Intersections and Interconnections in Translation Research. In Translation Quarterly 72-75 (2014-15).

2.Papers from the Fourth Tsinghua-Lingnan Translation Symposium. In Translation Quarterly 66-67 (2012-13).

3.Papers from the FIT Sixth Asian Translators’ Forum. In Translation Quarterly 61-65 (2011-12).

4.Papers from the Conference on “Globalization and Cultural Identity/Translation.” In Translation Quarterly 51 & 52 (2009).

5.Papers from the Second Tsinghua-Lingnan Translation Symposium. In Translation Quarterly 35-39 (2005).

6.Perspectives on Taiwanese Literature 1& II. In Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese 4.1 & 5.1 (2000-2001).

7.Modern Chinese Prose Poetry. In Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese 3.2 (2000). Campaigns, Patronage, Censorship and Multimedia: The Chinese Literary Scene 1930-1942. Special Issue of the Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese 2.1 (1998).

8.Translation Teaching: East-West, North-South. In Translation Quarterly 9 & 10 (1998).


F.          Journal Editing

1.Founding Editor of bilingual journal Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese in 1997. This is a journal internationally distributed through the University of Hawaii Press when I was Editor (1997-2002).

2.Chief Editor (2005-2018) of Translation Quarterly, the first translation studies journal of its kind in Hong Kong, and the longest-running. It is included in EBSCO, the world’s most prolific aggregator of full-text journals, and in CNKI (China database). Over 5,500 pages.




1.2018-2019 从翻译到改写: 中日跨界书写

2.2018-2019 作为世界学术的英语: 汉英学术翻译

3.2017 幸晤翻译大师



2018  Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship, Hong Kong Research Grants Council. Sum of Award: over $693,660. The highest-ranked research fellowship awarded in Hong Kong.

2018  Award for Special Academic Contribution, Sichuan Translation Society, PRC.

2017   CETRA Chair Professor, University of Leuven, Belgium. The 29th recipient of an internationally renowned position awarded annually to leading scholars in translation studies. [Belgium]

2013  Pei Hua Education Foundation Grant ($100,000) for publishing the Translation Quarterly and an anthology.

2004  Renaissance Award in Chinese Studies, Department of Chinese, University of Hong Kong.

2003 Washington Award for Pioneering Chinese Studies in a World Context, University of Hong Kong.

2001- Four grants from the Sino-British Fellowship Trust. [UK]

2001 Publication Grant, Freemasons’ Fund for East Asian Studies. [Taiwan,China]

1994-1995   Teaching Development Grant, Lingnan College.

1994- Various Internal Research Grants, Lingnan University.

1993-1994   Postdoctoral Fellowship, Institute for Research in the Humanities, University of Wisconsin (declined). [USA]

1992-1993   Research Grant, Academy of American Religions. [USA]

1991-1992  Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, University of Michigan, Center for Chinese Studies. Highly prestigious award; open to worldwide competition. [USA]

1991-1992  Research Grant in Chinese Studies, Pacific Cultural Foundation. [Taiwan,China].

1991    Overseas Conference Grant, Indiana University, Graduate School. [USA]

1990    Percy H. Buchanan Prize (for best paper in the Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs), Association for Asian Studies. [USA]

1989-1990   Associate Instructorship, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Indiana University. [USA]

1986-1987   Exchange Fellowship, Shandong University and Indiana University. [USA/PRC]

1984-1986   Associate Instructorship, Religious Studies Department, Indiana University.

1979 Hornby Trust Award, British Council. [UK]

1977 Swire Scholarship, Hong Kong.

1976 R.F.K. Simpson Prize in English (for best graduating student), Department of English Studies and Comparative Literature, University of Hong Kong.


1.Two invited speeches at the Department of Modern Languages and the China Global Centre, University of Exeter, UK, on 4 and 5 December, 2018.

2.Keynote speech at the Annual Meeting of the Sichuan Translation Society, PRC, on 20 October, 2018.

3.Invited speech at Chengdu University of Technology on 19 October, 2018.

4.Invited speech at the Mona Baker Center for Translation, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, on 2 October, 2018.

5.Keynote speech at the International Conference on Translated Chinese Literature and Its Reception outside China, at Shanghai International Studies University, on 27 September, 2018.

6.Lecture at CETRA Summer School, University of Leuven, Antwerp, on 5 September, 2018.

7.Invited speech at the Center for Cross-cultural Studies, Fu-jen Catholic University (with Prof. C.C. Liu), on 17 May, 2018.

8.Invited speech at the Center for Cross-cultural Studies, Fu-jen Catholic University, on 28 March, 2018.

9.Keynote speech at the APLX International Conference on Applied Linguistics (“Transformation and Development: Language, Culture, Pedagogy and Translation”), at National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, on November 16-17, 2017.

10.Keynote speech at the 7th Cross-Taiwan Straits Symposium on Translation and Intercultural Communication, at Zhengzhou University, Henan, on October 28-29, 2017. 

11.Invited lectures at CETRA Summer School, University of Leuven, Antwerp, 28 August-8 September, 2017.

12.Lectures (3) at FIST Summer School, Fudan University, Shanghai, July 2017.

13.Invited lecture for the International Academic Seminars, Department of Applied Foreign Languages, Minghsin University of Science and Technology, Taipei, 23 March, 2017.

14.Invited lecture at Soochow University, Taipei, 22 March, 2017. 

15.Invited lecture at Shih Hsin University, Taipei, 20 March, 2017.

16.Invited lecture at the University of Nottingham at Ningbo, PRC, on 27 April, 2016.

17.Keynote speech at the First Symposium in Applied Translation Studies, held at the United International College, Zhuhai, on 27 November, 2015.

18.Invited lecture at the Zhejiang International Studies University, Hangzhou, PRC, in November, 2015.

19.Featured speech at the English Teachers’ Association Conference on Teaching and Learning English in a Multilingual World, on November 15, 2015.

20.Workshop presenter at the English Teachers’ Association Conference on Teaching and Learning English in a Multilingual World, on November 14, 2015.

21.Keynote speech at the 6th Cross-Taiwan Straits Symposium on Translation and Intercultural Communication,” at the Department of Translation and Interpretation Studies, Chang Jung Christian University, Tainan, Taiwan, on June 26-27, 2015.

22.Plenary speech at the CETRA (Center for Translation Studies at Leuven) Colloquium on “Translation in a Flat Earth Society: An Obvious Paradox?” in Antwerp, Belgium, on 23 April, 2015.

23.CETRA lecture delivered at the Catholic University of Leuven in Antwerp, on 22 April, 2015.

24.Invited talk for the series “Topics in Translation,” at the Open University of Hong Kong, on 3 October, 2014.

25.Keynote speech at the Conference on Transferring Cultural Images: Parallels between Stereotyping and Globalising, organized by the Yeditepe University and Lingnan University in Istanbul, Turkey, on 16 September, 2014.

26.Invited presentation at Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan, on 22 May, 2014.

27Invited talk for the Kwansei Chapter of the Association of Japanese Translators, in Nishinomiya, Japan, on 10 May, 2014.

28.Invited speech at the Center for Intercultural Studies, Fu-jen Catholic University, Taiwan, on 20 December, 2013.

29.Invited presentation at the College of English Language and Literature, Shanghai International Studies University, on 4 December, 2013.

30.Invited presentation at the Institute for Advanced Translation, Shanghai International Studies University, on 3 December, 2013.

31.Invited presentation at Translation Department, Fudan University, Shanghai, on 2 December, 2013.

32.Invited presentation at the College of English Language and Literature, Shanghai International Studies University, on 2 December, 2013.

33.Plenary speech at the First East and West Conference on Translation Studies: “Translation History Matters,” organized by the School of International Studies, Sun Yat-sen University, China, and the Faculty of Letters, University of Lisbon, Portugal, on 27-28 September, 2013.

34.Plenary speech at (1) the 4th International Symposium on Eco-Translatology, and (2) the 5th Cross-Taiwan Straits Symposium on Translation and Intercultural Communication, concurrently held in Central China Normal University, Wuhan, on September 22-24, 2013.

35.Keynote speech at the International Translation Forum at Henan Normal University, on September 19-20, 2013.

36.Invited talk for “Cross-cultural Experiences: A Seminar on the Research and Teaching of Literatures and Translation,” held at the BNU-HKBU United International College, Zhuhai, 15 March, 2013.

37.Public lecture at Department of English, Shih Hsin University, Taiwan, in the fall semester of 2008.

38.Invited presentation at the Fifth Cross-Strait Translation Forum organized by the Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, 18-20 November, 2009.

39.Invited lecture at the First Committee Meeting on the Study and Translation of the Wujing, organized by the Hanban/Confucius Institute Headquarters, Xiangshan-Beijing, 26-29 July 2009.

40.Keynote speech at the International Conference on Globalization and Cultural Translation/Identity, organized by the University of Manitoba Asian Center and Fo-Guang University, in Chiaohsi (Taiwan), 19-20 December, 2008.

41.Invited presentation at the International Conference on Translation Studies and Translation between Chinese and English, Chinese University of Hong Kong (and the University of Warwick), 11-12 December, 2008.

42.Invited talk at the Center for Translation Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University, 2 November, 2008.

43.Keynote speech at the Third International Symposium on Translation, Cheng-chi University, Taipei, 9 June, 2007.

44.Plenary speech at the Symposium on the Translation of Chinese Classics, Chung Hwa Bookstore, School of Chinese (HKU) and HK Translation Society, on 25 November, 2006.

45.Plenary speech at the Third Tsinghua-Lingnan Symposium on Translation, Tsinghua University, 7-9 June 2006.

46.Invited talk given at the English Department, Shenzhen University, 18 April, 2005.

47.Keynote speech at the English Teachers’ Association Conference held in Taipei, November 2004.

48.Keynote speech at the ETA/PAC4 Conference, held in Taipei, November 2002.

49.Invited speech given at the Conference on “The Subjective Technology of Translation: Asia, Biopolitics, Globalization,” held at McGill University and the University of Montreal, January 2001.

50.Invited speech given at the Department of French, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, on 26 January, 2001.

51.Keynote speech at the English Teachers’ Association Conference held in Taipei, November 2000.

52.Invited speech at Shih-hsin University, Taiwan, on 10 November, 2000.

53.Invited speech at Soochow University, Taiwan, on 18 May 2000.

54.Invited speech at National Tsing-hua University, Taiwan, on 17 May, 2000.

55.Sole consecutive Interpreter for the Venerable Master Hsing Yun (Star-Cloud) 星雲大師at the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong, on 7 January 2000.




2018- Member of Advisory Board, CETRA book series “Translation, Interpreting and Transfer” (Leuven University Press, Belgium)

2018 Editorial member of the Sindéresissbook series on "Estudios de Traducción e Interpretación (ETI)" (Spain).

2017 Editor, “Approaches to Translation Studies” book series, Brill Publishers, the Netherlands.

2014- Advisory Board Member, “Tower of Babel” book series, Hunan People’s Publishing House.

2014- Member of Advisory Board for book series “Literature, Cultures, Translation,” edited by Brian J. Baer and Michelle Woods (New York: Bloomsbury)



2018 Member of Advisory Board, Transletters (published by The University of Cordoba).

2017- Member, Advisory Board, New Perspectives in Translation Studies (Sichuan, PRC)

2017 Member, Review Panel for the Department of English, University of Macau

2016- Member, Editorial Committee, Journal of Translation Studies (CUHK).

2016- Member, Special Advisory Committee, Teaching and Researching Translation (Chongqing, PRC)

2015-2016 Member for the Program Area Accreditation (PAA) of the Bachelor of Translation with Business (BTB) program, Hang Seng Management College

2014 Member of RAE Arts and Humanities Panel, Hong Kong Research Grants Council.

2010- Member, Editorial Committee, Korea Journal of Chinese Language and Literature 

2009- Advisory Member of the Committee for the Study and Translation of the Five Classics, a project organized by the Confucius Institute Headquarters of the PRC (Beijing), and headed by Kristofer Schipper

2009 Member, Review Panel of the M.A. Translation Program, CUHK

2009-2011 Member, Standards Committee, International Federation of Translators (FIT)

2008 Member, Review Panel of the B.A. Translation Program, CUHK

2008- External Reviewer for various cases of promotion, University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Baptist University Advisory Board member, Journal of Chinese Literature and Cultural Studies Advisory Board member, Journal of Chinese Studies

2000- International Advisory Board Member, TTR: Traduction, Terminologie, Redaction



2012-2016 Founding Member and Director of Research and Publications, Association of Asian Translation Industry (AATI), the only professional organization for translators from ASEAN (Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Myanmar, Malaysia, the Philippines, Laos), Nepal, India, Japan and China.

2011-     Member, IATIS (International Association for Translation and Interpretation Studies) Regional Workshops Committee.

2000- President (2010-now), Vice-President (2004-2010) and Hon. Secretary (2000-2004), Hong Kong Translation Society

2011- Executive Committee Member, Taiwanese Association of Translators

2003-2009 Founding Member and First Vice-President (2008-09), Asian Studies Association of Hong Kong

2004-2016 Executive Council Member, Translators’ Association of China

1998-2000 Liaison Officer, Association of Chinese and Comparative Literature (ACCL).



2019 Congress of the European Society of Translation Studies (EST), University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, September 2019.

2018 E-Conference on "Translation in Society and for Society: Investigating Cultural and Sociological Aspects in Literary and Specialised Domains," jointly organized by the University of Cordoba (Spain) and KU Leuven (Belgium), September 2018.

2018 7th Asia-Pacific Forum on Translation and Intercultural Studies, Moscow, September 2018.

2017 Transfiction 4: Images as Translational Fictions conference, at the Guangzhou University of Foreign Studies, PRC, November 2017.

2017 Translation and World Literature conference, the 6th Asia-Pacific Forum on Translation and Intercultural Studies, Berkeley, USA, October 2017.

2016 Fifth IATIS Regional WorkshopTranslating Disability across Cultures: The Translation and Representation of Disability in the Modern Indian Short Story, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India.

2014 Fourth IATIS Regional WorkshopPostcolonial Translation Studies and Beyond: Researching Translation in Africa, University of Gambia.

2014  Third IATIS Regional Workshop—West Balkans Translator and Interpreter Training, University of Novi Sad.

2014 Yeditepe University International Conference on Translation and Cultural Images, in Istanbul.

2014  Second IATIS Regional Workshop—Collaborative Translation: From Antiquity to the Internet, University of Paris 8, France.

2013  First IATIS Regional WorkshopTranslation and Cultural Identity, Semarang, Indonesia.

2010 Fourth Tsinghua-Lingnan Translation Symposium

2009 ASAHK Fourth Annual Conference, Open University of Hong Kong.

2008 ASAHK Third Annual Conference, Hong Kong Baptist University.

2007 ASAHK Second Annual Conference, University of Hong Kong.

2006 ASAHK First Annual Conference, City University of Hong Kong.

2006 Chair, Organizing Committee, Symposium on Translation of Chinese Classics, organized by the University of Hong Kong, Chung Hwa Bookstore and the Hong Kong Translation Society.

2004 Chair, Organizing Committee, Second Tsinghua-Lingnan Translation Symposium.

2003 Deputy Director, International Comparative Literature Association Conference.

2001 Secretary-General, FIT (International Federation of Translators) Third Asian Translators’ Forum.

2000 Conference on Translation and the Construction of Identity (IATIS), at Sookmyung Women’s University in Seoul.


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